Интернет магазин китайских планшетных компьютеров

Компьютеры - Шаблонный метод (шаблон проектирования) - Пример кода

30 марта 2011

1. Шаблонный метод (шаблон проектирования)
2. Пример кода

В примере шаблонный метод реализуется для игр, в которых игроки по очереди делают свой ход.

 * An abstract class that is common to several games in
 * which players play against the others, but only one is
 * playing at a given time.
abstract class Game {
    protected int playersCount;
    abstract void initializeGame;
    abstract void makePlay;
    abstract boolean endOfGame;
    abstract void printWinner;
    /* A template method : */
    final void playOneGame {
        this.playersCount = playersCount;
        int j = 0;
        while ) {
            j =  % playersCount;
//Now we can extend this class in order to implement actual games:
class Monopoly extends Game {
    /* Implementation of necessary concrete methods */
    void initializeGame {
        // Initialize money
    void makePlay {
        // Process one turn of player
    boolean endOfGame {
        // Return true of game is over according to Monopoly rules
    void printWinner {
        // Display who won
    /* Specific declarations for the Monopoly game. */
    // ...
class Chess extends Game {
    /* Implementation of necessary concrete methods */
    void initializeGame {
        // Put the pieces on the board
    void makePlay {
        // Process a turn for the player
    boolean endOfGame {
        // Return true if in Checkmate or Stalemate has been reached
    void printWinner {
        // Display the winning player
    /* Specific declarations for the chess game. */
    // ...

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