Интернет магазин китайских планшетных компьютеров

Компьютеры - Прототип (шаблон проектирования) - Примеры

30 марта 2011

1. Прототип (шаблон проектирования)
2. Примеры

Пример C++

class Meal {
        virtual ~Meal;
        virtual void eat = 0;
        virtual Meal *clone const = 0;
class Spaghetti : public Meal {
        void eat;
        Spaghetti *clone const { return new Spaghetti; }

Пример Java

 * Prototype Class
public class Cookie implements Cloneable {
    public Cookie clone throws CloneNotSupportedException {
        // call Object.clone
        Cookie copy =  super.clone;
        //In an actual implementation of this pattern you might now change references to
        //the expensive to produce parts from the copies that are held inside the prototype.
        return copy;
 * Concrete Prototypes to clone
public class CoconutCookie extends Cookie { }
 * Client Class
public class CookieMachine {
    private Cookie cookie; // Could have been a private Cloneable cookie.
    public CookieMachine {
        this.cookie = cookie;
    public Cookie makeCookie {
        return  this.cookie.clone;
    public static void main {
        Cookie tempCookie = null;
        Cookie prot = new CoconutCookie;
        CookieMachine cm = new CookieMachine;
            tempCookie = cm.makeCookie;

Пример C#

 using System;
 namespace Prototype
  class MainApp
    static void Main
      // Create two instances and clone each
      Prototype p1 = new ConcretePrototype1;
      Prototype c1 = p1.Clone;
      Console.WriteLine ;
      Prototype p2 = new ConcretePrototype2;
      Prototype c2 = p2.Clone;
      Console.WriteLine ;
      // Wait for user
  // "Prototype"
  abstract class Prototype
    private string id;
    // Constructor
    public Prototype
      this.id = id;
    // Property
    public string Id
      get{ return id; }
    public abstract Prototype Clone;
  // "ConcretePrototype1"
  class ConcretePrototype1 : Prototype
    // Constructor
    public ConcretePrototype1 : base
    public override Prototype Clone
      // Shallow copy
      return this.MemberwiseClone;
  // "ConcretePrototype2"
  class ConcretePrototype2 : Prototype
    // Constructor
    public ConcretePrototype2 : base
    public override Prototype Clone
      // Shallow copy
      return this.MemberwiseClone;

Пример PHP

 * Иерархия допустимых классов для создания прототипов
abstract class Terrain {}
abstract class Sea extends Terrain {}
class EarthSea extends Sea {}
class MarsSea extends Sea {}
class VenusSea extends Sea {}
abstract class Plains extends Terrain {}
class EarthPlains extends Plains {}
class MarsPlains extends Plains {}
class VenusPlains extends Plains {}
abstract class Forest extends Terrain {}
class EarthForest extends Forest {}
class MarsForest extends Forest {}
class VenusForest extends Forest {}
 * Определение логики фабрики прототипов
class TerrainFactory {
    private $sea;
    private $forest;
    private $plains;
    public function __construct {
        $this->sea = $sea;
        $this->plains = $plains;
        $this->forest = $forest;
    function getSea {
        return clone $this->sea;
    function getPlains {
        return clone $this->plains;
    function getForest {
        return clone $this->forest;
 * Создание фабрики с заданными параметрами прототипа
$prototypeFactory = new TerrainFactory(
new EarthSea,
new MarsPlains,
new VenusForest
 * Создание заданных объектов путём клонирования
$sea = $prototypeFactory->getSea;
$plains = $prototypeFactory->getPlains;
$forest = $prototypeFactory->getForest;

Пример Ruby

module Prototype
  # "Prototype"
  class Prototype
    # Property
    # свойство id изначально присутствует у каждого объекта, поэтому воспользуемся свойством name
    attr_reader :name
    # Constructor
    def initialize name
      @name = name
# Create an instance and clone it
p1 = Prototype::Prototype.new "my name"   # объект класса Prototype создается традиционны путем - методом new
p2 = p1.clone                  # метод clone существует у каждого объекта изначально - его не нужно определять
puts "p1.id = #{p1.id}, p2.id = #{p2.id}"      # будут напечатаны разные id
puts "p1.name = #{p1.name}, p2.name = #{p2.name}"  # будут напечатаны одинаковые name - "my name"
# Wait for user

Пример VB.NET

Namespace Prototype
    Class MainApp
        Shared Sub Main
            ' Создание двух экземпляров и клонирование каждого
            Dim p1 As Prototype = New ConcretePrototype1
            Dim c1 As Prototype = p1.Clone
            Dim p2 As Prototype = New ConcretePrototype2
            Dim c2 As Prototype = p2.Clone
        End Sub
    End Class
    ' "Prototype"
    MustInherit Class Prototype
        Private m_id As String
        ' Конструктор
        Public Sub New
            Me.m_id = id
        End Sub
        ' Свойство
        Public ReadOnly Property Id As String
                Return m_id
            End Get
        End Property
        Public MustOverride Function Clone As Prototype
    End Class
    ' "ConcretePrototype1"
    Class ConcretePrototype1
        Inherits Prototype
        ' Конструктор
        Public Sub New
        End Sub
        Public Overrides Function Clone As Prototype
            ' Неполная копия
            Return DirectCast, Prototype)
        End Function
    End Class
    ' "ConcretePrototype2"
    Class ConcretePrototype2
        Inherits Prototype
        ' Конструктор
        Public Sub New
        End Sub
        Public Overrides Function Clone As Prototype
            ' Неполная копия
            Return DirectCast, Prototype)
        End Function
    End Class
End Namespace

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